Transcriptome Assembly Refinement and Applications (2 of 5)




The transcriptome is the set of all RNA transcripts, including coding and non-coding, in an individual or a population of cells.


論文摘要轉錄組(Transcriptome) 包含在特定組織或細胞類型,於特定發育階段和特定生理或病理條件下,由基因組轉錄的所有RNA所包含之所有信息 。


依據建庫的方法,RNA-seq還可以分做whole transcriptome sequencing (WTS)與mRNA-seq。WTS通常除了rRNA外,其他RNA類型都可偵測到,包含mRNA與lncRNA;然而,mRNA-seq ...

Transcriptome Fact Sheet

A transcriptome is a collection of all the gene readouts present in a cell. What is a transcriptome? The human genome is made up of DNA ...

transcriptome | Learn Science at Scitable

A transcriptome is the full range of messenger RNA, or mRNA, molecules expressed by an organism. The term transcriptome can also be used to describe the ...

Transcriptome - an overview

A transcriptome is the full range of messenger RNA, or mRNA, molecules expressed by an organism in a particular cell or tissue type. In contrast with the genome ...

NGS 次世代定序常用名詞

轉錄組:Transcriptome,是指特定生長階段某組織或細胞內所有轉錄產物的集合;狹義上指所有mRNA 的集合。 轉錄組測序:對某組織在某一功能狀態下所能轉錄出來的所有RNA ...

[PDF] 體學概論

細菌染色體外環形DNA分子. • 獨立於染色體行自我複製. • 含有非細菌生存代謝必要之基因. • 接合作用(conjugation). • 抗抗生素. • 特殊物質合成酵素…等.


轉錄組(英語:Transcriptome),也稱為「轉錄物組」,廣義上指在相同環境(或生理條件)下的在一個細胞、或一群細胞中所能轉錄出的所有RNA的總和,包括信使RNA(mRNA)、核糖體RNA( ...


ThetranscriptomeisthesetofallRNAtranscripts,includingcodingandnon-coding,inanindividualorapopulationofcells.,論文摘要轉錄組(Transcriptome)包含在特定組織或細胞類型,於特定發育階段和特定生理或病理條件下,由基因組轉錄的所有RNA所包含之所有信息。,依據建庫的方法,RNA-seq還可以分做wholetranscriptomesequencing(WTS)與mRNA-seq。WTS通常除了rRNA外,其他RNA類型都可偵測到,包含mRNA與lncRNA;然而,mRNA-seq ....