

RNA-Seq is a technique that uses next-generation sequencing to reveal the presence and quantity of RNA molecules in a biological sample, ... Complementary DNA... · Single-cell RNA sequencing... · Transcriptome assembly

Transcriptome assembly from long-read RNA

Here we present StringTie2, a reference-guided transcriptome assembler that works with both short and long reads.

RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics

RNA-Seq is a recently developed approach to transcriptome profiling that uses deep-sequencing technologies.

Transcriptome Sequencing: RNA-Seq

RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) can not only be used to identify the expression of common or rare transcripts but also in the identification of other abnormal events, ...

Transcriptome Sequencing

Service Advantages. Detection of All RNA Types: Traditional transcriptome sequencing utilizes the Oligo d(T) method to purify RNA molecules with Poly(A) tails.

RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics

RNA-Seq is a recently developed approach to transcriptome profiling that uses deep-sequencing technologies. Studies using this method have already altered ...


Overall, SNARE-seq is a robust method allowing the joint measurement of the transcriptome and chromatin accessibility in single cells or nuclei.

Transcriptome Sequencing

Novogene's Transcriptome Sequencing services offer RNA sequencing for both mRNA and non-coding RNA, including our popular long non-coding RNA sequencing.

Transcriptome Sequencing | Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Ion Proton System, combined with Ambion RNA kits, delivers fast, flexible, and high-quality transcriptome sequencing at an affordable price.

Eukaryotic RNA-Seq(Transcriptome)

RNA Sequencing (RNA定序, RNAseq)分析細胞內所有的mRNA,基於高通量定序的數據量,除了得知轉錄體(Transcriptome)的變化,找出差異基因之外,還可以深入 ...


RNA-Seqisatechniquethatusesnext-generationsequencingtorevealthepresenceandquantityofRNAmoleculesinabiologicalsample, ...ComplementaryDNA...·Single-cellRNAsequencing...·Transcriptomeassembly,HerewepresentStringTie2,areference-guidedtranscriptomeassemblerthatworkswithbothshortandlongreads.,RNA-Seqisarecentlydevelopedapproachtotranscriptomeprofilingthatusesdeep-sequencingtechnologies.,RNAsequenci...