
trick or treat (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音

trick or treat 相關課程教材. Trick or treat!不給糖就搗蛋! 瀏覽教材. If you don't treat me, I'll trick you.如果你不給我,我就要搗蛋。


音標: [͵trɪkɚ`trit]; 解釋: 不給糖就搗蛋. 例句: Children in the USA like going trick-or-treating on Halloween. 翻譯: 在美國的孩童萬聖節前夕喜歡不給糖就 ...

TRICK-OR-TREATING in Traditional Chinese

Children and teachers are commonly allowed to wear masks to school for a day, and also wear masks at school dances or while trick-or-treating.

TRICK OR TREAT definition and meaning

Trick or treat is an activity in which children knock on the doors of houses at Halloween and shout 'trick or treat' . If the person who answers the door does not give the children a treat, such as sweets or candy, they play a trick on him or her.

【萬聖節英文】關於Trick-or-Treat 意思、文化!

Trick-or-Treat的意思 ... Trick 是「捉弄」的意思,Treat 則是「點心」,所以Trick-or-treat 被翻成中文,就成為我們常常聽到的「不給糖,就搗蛋」!

trick or treat 是什麼意思?

在萬聖節裡, “trick“ 就是惡作劇/搗蛋, treat 則是款待(用糖果款待) 的意思囉。所以通常這天小孩會盛裝打扮,到鄰居家敲門,跟鄰居說“ Trick or Treat 意思就是,要我搗蛋 ...

trick or treat

At each house they say 'Trick or treat?' This means that they threaten to play a 'trick', or joke, on the people in the house unless they are given a 'treat', ...


Trick-or-treating is a traditional Halloween custom for children and adults in some countries. During the evening of Halloween, on October 31, ... Trick or treat (disambiguation) · Honor system · Sweetest Day

Trick or treat! | meaning

something that children say on Halloween (= a holiday on 31 October), when they dress to look frightening and visit people's houses to ask for sweets.

TRICK OR TREAT Definition & Meaning - Merriam

Examples of trick or treat in a Sentence. We got all dressed up for trick or treat. When the door opened the kids all shouted “Trick or treat!”.


trickortreat相關課程教材.Trickortreat!不給糖就搗蛋!瀏覽教材.Ifyoudon'ttreatme,I'lltrickyou.如果你不給我,我就要搗蛋。,音標:[͵trɪkɚ`trit];解釋:不給糖就搗蛋.例句:ChildrenintheUSAlikegoingtrick-or-treatingonHalloween.翻譯:在美國的孩童萬聖節前夕喜歡不給糖就 ...,Childrenandteachersarecommonlyallowedtowearmaskstoschoolforaday,andalsowearmasksatschooldancesorwhiletrick-or-treating.,Trickortreatisana...