Tree Style Tabs: A Better Way To Manage Tabs

ThisextensiontoFirefoxprovidestheabilitytoworkwithtabsastrees.Newtabsopenedfromthecurrenttabareautomaticallyorganizedaschildren ...,2023年7月3日—Thistreeseparatesalltabsintodifferentgroupsbytherelationshipbetweenthechild-tabandtheirparent-tab,whi...。參考影片的文章的如下:



This extension to Firefox provides the ability to work with tabs as trees. New tabs opened from the current tab are automatically organized as children ...

Tree Style Tab

2023年7月3日 — This tree separates all tabs into different groups by the relationship between the child-tab and their parent-tab, which gives you a better ...

Tree Style Tab

This is a Firefox add-on which provides ability to operate tabs as tree. New tabs opened from the current tab are automatically organized as children of ...

Tree Style Tab – Get this Extension for ???? Firefox (en

This extension provides the ability to work with tabs as trees. New tabs opened from the current tab are automatically organized as children of the ...

Tree Style Tab 樹狀圖分頁目錄管理,補強Firefox 4分頁群組


Tree Style Tab 版本紀錄 - Firefox Browser Add-ons

Drop support of Firefox older than 115. Restructure options about new tab position control, to reduce overlapped effects of multiple options.

不敗經典款擴充套件重生:樹狀圖分頁管理(Tree Style Tab)

2018年1月16日 — Yuki Hiroshi (外號Piro) 是技術先驅與貨真價實的DIY 專家,現居日本東京。只要發現瀏覽體驗需要改善之處,他就會自己動手打造變通方案並與他人分享。


ThisextensiontoFirefoxprovidestheabilitytoworkwithtabsastrees.Newtabsopenedfromthecurrenttabareautomaticallyorganizedaschildren ...,2023年7月3日—Thistreeseparatesalltabsintodifferentgroupsbytherelationshipbetweenthechild-tabandtheirparent-tab,whichgivesyouabetter ...,ThisisaFirefoxadd-onwhichprovidesabilitytooperatetabsastree.Newtabsopenedfromthecurrenttabareautomaticallyorganizedaschildrenof ...