Fire Emblem

FireEmblem:ThreeHousesisatacticalrole-playingvideogamedevelopedbyIntelligentSystemsandKoeiTecmo'sKouShibusawaandpublishedbyNintendo ...,HotofftheheelsofthefirsteverEnglishfootageofFireEmblemFates,ourhostsatNintendoTreehouseshowedusanin-depthlooka...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo's Kou Shibusawa and published by Nintendo ...

Treehouse Day 1 Analysis

Hot off the heels of the first ever English footage of Fire Emblem Fates, our hosts at Nintendo Treehouse showed us an in-depth look at an early English build ...


2020年8月17日 — 《Fire Emblem Heroes》公開影片(1/2) 由Nintendo Treehouse介紹,8月18日15:00(香港時間)登場的新英雄「阿德剌斯忒亞皇帝艾黛爾賈特」「法嘉斯王帝 ...

Nintendo Treehouse

2019年6月12日 — Reduces movement by like 3 or so, and changes their movement type to an infantry (so they can walk over mountains, or faster through forests, ...

When did Treehouse get this much hate?

2018年11月30日 — My main problem with Treehouse is that when I compare the 8-4 Fire Emblem games (Awakening, Echoes) with the Treehouse ones (Fates, Warriors), ...


FireEmblem:ThreeHousesisatacticalrole-playingvideogamedevelopedbyIntelligentSystemsandKoeiTecmo'sKouShibusawaandpublishedbyNintendo ...,HotofftheheelsofthefirsteverEnglishfootageofFireEmblemFates,ourhostsatNintendoTreehouseshowedusanin-depthlookatanearlyEnglishbuild ...,2020年8月17日—《FireEmblemHeroes》公開影片(1/2)由NintendoTreehouse介紹,8月18日15:00(香港時間)登場的新英雄「阿德剌斯忒亞皇...