How to import data and create graphs in Gapminder

點選Downloads就可以進入Gapminder的下載、安裝頁面。進入GapminderDownloads頁面圖、進入GapminderDownloads頁面.在下載頁面中,點選『Click ...,Trendalyzerisasoftwareproductforanimatingstatistics.ProfessorHansRosling,KarolinskaInstitute,isthechairmanofG...。參考影片的文章的如下:


讓資料更容易解讀的Gapminder - Meme -

點選Downloads 就可以進入Gapminder 的下載、安裝頁面。 進入Gapminder Downloads 頁面 圖、進入Gapminder Downloads 頁面. 在下載頁面中,點選『Click ...

Google buys Trendalyzer from Gapminder

Trendalyzer is a software product for animating statistics. Professor Hans Rosling, Karolinska Institute, is the chairman of Gapminder, and ...

Package gapminder - CRAN

For each of 142 countries, the package provides values for life expectancy, GDP per capita, and population, every five years, from 1952 to 2007.


Trendalyzer is an information visualization software program for animation of statistics that was initially developed by Hans Rosling's Gapminder Foundation ...


This repo is a data package with an excerpt from the Gapminder data. The main object in this package is the gapminder data frame or “tibble”.

如何用30 秒了解台灣發展與全球趨勢:用GapMinder 培養正確世界觀

這篇文章提供你一個輕鬆探索台灣與世界的資料視覺化工具:GapMinder 中文版。除了工具本身以外,文中會透過大量動態的資訊圖表以及各國公開數據來帶你 ...

Plotting and Programming in Python

Summary and Setup. This lesson is an introduction to programming in Python 3 for people with little or no previous programming experience. Running and Quitting · Plotting · For Loops · Lists


Gapminder Slides. Download Gapminder's slides, free to modify and use in any way you like! Here are the slides used in our public presentations and TED talks.

Gapminder Tools Offline

1. Download the zip file for Windows. When download is complete, go to your Download folder (or the folder you chose to download the zip file).

7 Visualizing positive correlation in Gapminder. Showing a free...

As a sample activity from this lesson, we watched the visualization called Wealth and Health of Nations in Gapminder, and addressed Task 1-4 above.


點選Downloads就可以進入Gapminder的下載、安裝頁面。進入GapminderDownloads頁面圖、進入GapminderDownloads頁面.在下載頁面中,點選『Click ...,Trendalyzerisasoftwareproductforanimatingstatistics.ProfessorHansRosling,KarolinskaInstitute,isthechairmanofGapminder,and ...,Foreachof142countries,thepackageprovidesvaluesforlifeexpectancy,GDPpercapita,andpopulation,everyfiveyears,from1952to2007.,Trendalyzer...