
Colorectal adenoma

The colorectal adenoma is a benign glandular tumor of the colon and the rectum. It is a precursor lesion of the colorectal adenocarcinoma (colon cancer). Comparison table · Tubulovillous adenoma · Villous adenoma

Tubular Adenoma in Colon

Tubular adenomas are precancerous polyps in your colon and rectum. They're usually found during colonoscopies done to screen for colorectal cancer. If your ...


管狀腺瘤(Tubular adenoma) :約80% 腺瘤是管狀腺瘤,較不會成為惡性腫瘤,若超過1 公分,就有可能變成惡性腫瘤。 絨毛狀腺瘤(Villous adenoma):約只佔腺瘤百分之五 ...

Tubulovillous villous adenoma

Tubulovillous / villous adenoma is recognized as the precursor lesion of chromosomal unstable colorectal cancer.

Tubulovillous Adenoma - an overview

The tubulovillous adenoma is an intermediate form of adenoma, often having elements of tubular and villous pattern in different degree. More commonly, however, ...

大腸息肉- 臺中

在組織學上可以分類為管狀腺瘤(Tubular adenoma)、絨毛樣腺瘤(villous adenoma)、管狀絨毛樣腺瘤(Tubulovillous adenoma)等。若是息肉大於一 ...

Tubular Adenoma

A tubular ademona is a type of colon polyp, a small clump of cells that forms on your intestinal lining. Your doctor will remove polyps during a colonoscopy.


... adenoma) [圖二a,b],管狀腺腫佔了其中大部份(87%)。但也可能混合兩種不同組織的腺腫(tubulovillous adenoma)約佔所有息肉的8%。一般而言息肉大小在1到2公分,混合型 ...

大腸直腸惡性息肉(malignant polyp) 的處理

切除下來的息肉經由病理檢查如屬於腺瘤(tubular adenoma),腺狀絨毛瘤(tubulovillous adenoma)或絨毛瘤(villous adenoma)不須進一步手術治療,追蹤即可。假如切除的 ...


Thecolorectaladenomaisabenignglandulartumorofthecolonandtherectum.Itisaprecursorlesionofthecolorectaladenocarcinoma(coloncancer).Comparisontable·Tubulovillousadenoma·Villousadenoma,Tubularadenomasareprecancerouspolypsinyourcolonandrectum.They'reusuallyfoundduringcolonoscopiesdonetoscreenforcolorectalcancer.Ifyour ...,管狀腺瘤(Tubularadenoma):約80%腺瘤是管狀腺瘤,較不會成為惡性腫瘤,若超過1公...