Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)

Itwasreleasedasthesecondsingleon8November2010intheUnitedStates.ThesongcontainssamplesofDinDaaDaabyGermandancesingerGeorgeKranz, ...,Idon'thavethewordstosayWhenyoushakeitmywayYougotmest-stutterin'Stutterin'Mmm-DaDaMmm-DaDaMmm-DaDaOhOhOh-ohbabywant...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

It was released as the second single on 8 November 2010 in the United States. The song contains samples of Din Daa Daa by German dance singer George Kranz, ...

Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)

I don't have the words to say When you shake it my way You got me st-stutterin' Stutterin' Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Mmm-Da Da Oh Oh Oh-oh baby want some more baby?

Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)

Popular Singles and EPs by Flo Rida · Feels Right (I Love It) · Low (Macon's HYPERTECHNO Remix) · Do Si Do (Til The Sun Comes Up) · Do Si Do (Wait For The Drop).

Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1)-歌詞

Turn Around (5,4,3,2,1). Flo Rida (佛羅里達).


Itwasreleasedasthesecondsingleon8November2010intheUnitedStates.ThesongcontainssamplesofDinDaaDaabyGermandancesingerGeorgeKranz, ...,Idon'thavethewordstosayWhenyoushakeitmywayYougotmest-stutterin'Stutterin'Mmm-DaDaMmm-DaDaMmm-DaDaOhOhOh-ohbabywantsomemorebaby?,PopularSinglesandEPsbyFloRida·FeelsRight(ILoveIt)·Low(Macon'sHYPERTECHNORemix)·DoSiDo(TilTheSunComesUp)·DoSiDo(WaitForTheDrop).,TurnArou...