How To Create Animated GIF From Videos Using QGifer



Create animated gifs with QGifer

2013年6月7日 — QGifer is a free application for Windows and Linux to create animated gifs from video files that you load into the application.

install Qgifer on ubuntu 16.04?

2016年5月1日 — QGIFer cannot be installed on 16.04, as it requires packages that are not co-install-able. The dependancies cannot be resolved on any version of ...

QGifer download

2015年9月9日 — Download QGifer for free. A video-based animated GIF creator. QGifer is a tool for extracting part of a video to an animated GIF file.

QGifer v0.2.1 - A video

00:00 - Simple extraction02:23 - Optimization04:08 - Color management06:00 - Adding objects08:38 - InterpolationBeta version:windows ...

Quickly Create a GIF File from Video using QGifer

2013年7月16日 — QGifer is a freeware tool for Windows which allows you to easily and quickly create a GIF file from a video you have on your computer. It is an ...


2013年6月7日—QGiferisafreeapplicationforWindowsandLinuxtocreateanimatedgifsfromvideofilesthatyouloadintotheapplication.,2016年5月1日—QGIFercannotbeinstalledon16.04,asitrequirespackagesthatarenotco-install-able.Thedependanciescannotberesolvedonanyversionof ...,2015年9月9日—DownloadQGiferforfree.Avideo-basedanimatedGIFcreator.QGiferisatoolforextractingpartofavideotoananimatedGIFfile.,00:00-Simpl...

QGifer 0.2.1 - 將影片轉檔成動態圖檔

QGifer 0.2.1 - 將影片轉檔成動態圖檔
