TV5MONDEplus, the free French

Apprendre.tv5monde.comisafree,interactivewebsiteforlearningFrenchusingvideos,programmesandnewsreports.ImproveyourFrenchskillswithover2,000 ...,Choosefrommorethan2000onlineexercisesandimproveyouroralcomprehensioninFrench,frombeginnertoadvancedleve...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Learn French with TV5MONDE is a free, interactive website for learning French using videos, programmes and news reports. Improve your French skills with over 2,000 ...

Learn French FLE for free, French courses with TV5MONDE

Choose from more than 2000 online exercises and improve your oral comprehension in French, from beginner to advanced level. French expressions · Tips for learning: the trailer · 4325 exercises to learn French

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Grammar - learn French

Do you have a question on present perfect, prepositions or negation? These aids will allow you to review conjugations and know by heart French grammar rules.


評分 4.8 (1,661) · 免費 · iOS Learn French from videos of TV5MONDE, the channel of the French-speaking world. It's simple, easy, and free. The exercises are designed for beginners (A1) ...

Apprendre le français TV5MONDE

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Apprendre.tv5monde.comisafree,interactivewebsiteforlearningFrenchusingvideos,programmesandnewsreports.ImproveyourFrenchskillswithover2,000 ...,Choosefrommorethan2000onlineexercisesandimproveyouroralcomprehensioninFrench,frombeginnertoadvancedlevel.Frenchexpressions·Tipsforlearning:thetrailer·4325exercisestolearnFrench,Sayinghello,talkingaboutyourself,findingsomewheretolive,shopping...500freevi...