2021年8月20日—Tyke,a20-year-oldfemaleAfricanElephant,wasinHonoluluwithCircusInternational.OnAugust20,1994,duringtheshow,Tykeenteredthe ...,2021年5月4日—OnAugust20,1994,TyketheelephanttriedtoescapethecircusinHonolulu,Hawaii—beforebeingshotdeadbyth...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Tragic Story Of Tyke The Circus Elephant

2021年8月20日 — Tyke, a 20-year-old female African Elephant, was in Honolulu with Circus International. On August 20, 1994, during the show, Tyke entered the ...

The Tragic Story Of Tyke The Elephant And Her Brutal Death

2021年5月4日 — On August 20, 1994, Tyke the elephant tried to escape the circus in Honolulu, Hawaii — before being shot dead by the police.

Tyke (elephant)

Tyke (1973 – August 20, 1994) was a female African bush elephant from Mozambique who performed with Circus International of Honolulu, Hawaii.

Tyke Elephant Outlaw

Tyke Elephant Outlaw is the gripping and emotionally charged story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage in Honolulu in 1994, killed her trainer ...

Tyke Elephant Outlaw 更新了他們的封面相片。

Elephants suffer because tourists want to watch, admire and ride them. We need donations to educate tourists and protect elephants from a life of misery.


This is the gripping and emotionally charged story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage in Honolulu in 1994, killed her trainer in front of ...

Tyke: Elephant Outlaw

This is the story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage, killed her trainer in front of thousands of people and died in a hail of gunfire.


2021年8月20日—Tyke,a20-year-oldfemaleAfricanElephant,wasinHonoluluwithCircusInternational.OnAugust20,1994,duringtheshow,Tykeenteredthe ...,2021年5月4日—OnAugust20,1994,TyketheelephanttriedtoescapethecircusinHonolulu,Hawaii—beforebeingshotdeadbythepolice.,Tyke(1973–August20,1994)wasafemaleAfricanbushelephantfromMozambiquewhoperformedwithCircusInternationalofHonolulu,Hawaii.,TykeElephantOutlawis...