Typeface vs. Font, What's the Difference?



Font vs. Typeface - What's The Difference?

Typeface refers to the overall set or family of font styles. Font refers to a particular style of glyph or character within the typeface.


A typeface is what you see; a font is what you use.

The Difference Between Font and Typeface

A font is a particular set of glyphs within a typeface. So, 12 point Helvetica is a font, and 10 point Helvetica is a separate font. The same ...

The Difference Between Font and Typeface

In this article, we will describe the distinctions between fonts and typefaces and discuss the importance of distinguishing between them. Font vs typeface: Going... · What is a font? · What is a typeface/type family?

Font vs typeface: the ultimate guide

The difference between a font and a typeface has its roots in the history of printing. The word font itself comes from the Middle French 'fonte' ...

問術語。 typeface和font有什麼具體分別? 好像兩個詞都譯「字型」?

我會把typeface 稱作「字體」而 font才是「字型」。 Typeface 是稱呼可被歸類為某種風格或流派的文字造 型,如「襯線體」「明體」或是「書法字體 」等。 ( ...

Typeface vs Font: What's the Difference

A typeface refers to a family of related fonts, while a font refers to a specific member of that family. For example, “Helvetica” is a typeface, ...

Typeface和Font 傻傻分不清? - 字由


Typeface vs Font: Differences Explained

A typeface provides a common aesthetic, while a font specifies size, weight, style, and character set: Typefaces give your text its distinctive ... Clarifying the Font and... · The History of Typeface vs...


Typefacereferstotheoverallsetorfamilyoffontstyles.Fontreferstoaparticularstyleofglyphorcharacterwithinthetypeface.,Atypefaceiswhatyousee;afontiswhatyouuse.,Afontisaparticularsetofglyphswithinatypeface.So,12pointHelveticaisafont,and10pointHelveticaisaseparatefont.Thesame ...,Inthisarticle,wewilldescribethedistinctionsbetweenfontsandtypefacesanddiscusstheimportanceofdistinguishingbetweenthem.Fon...

Typefacer - 預覽字型的方便工具

Typefacer - 預覽字型的方便工具
