
Connect Google Sheets to Typeform

Zapier makes it easy to integrate Google Sheets with Typeform - no code necessary. See how you can get setup in minutes.

Google Forms integrations

With the new Google Form import option for Typeform, it's easy to convert a Google form into a typeform—no manual copying and pasting necessary. Just ...

Google Forms: Online Form Creator

Use Google Forms to create online forms and surveys with multiple question types. Analyze results in real-time and from any device.

Google Sheets for Typeform

You can connect as many typeforms as you want to a Google spreadsheet file. Each new integrated typeform will send its results to a new sheet tab in the Google ...

Google Sheets integrations

Send your typeform responses to Google Sheets to create spreadsheets, track projects, analyze data, and perform calculations. Awwwww sheet.

Google Slides integrations

Add Typeform to the mix to get answers from your typeforms straight into your slides. Cut out any uneccessary copying and pasting so you can spend more time on ...

Integrate your typeform with Google Analytics 4

You can easily add your Google Analytics tracking code to any of your typeforms, to track visitor behavior and demographics. The Typeform and Google ...


Typeform lets you build beautiful cross-device online forms & surveys. Typeform makes it easy to build and share beautifully designed online forms & surveys ...

Typeform: People

Build beautiful, interactive forms — get more responses. No coding needed. Templates for quizzes, research, feedback, lead generation, and more.


ZapiermakesiteasytointegrateGoogleSheetswithTypeform-nocodenecessary.Seehowyoucangetsetupinminutes.,WiththenewGoogleFormimportoptionforTypeform,it'seasytoconvertaGoogleformintoatypeform—nomanualcopyingandpastingnecessary.Just ...,UseGoogleFormstocreateonlineformsandsurveyswithmultiplequestiontypes.Analyzeresultsinreal-timeandfromanydevice.,YoucanconnectasmanytypeformsasyouwanttoaGooglespreadsh...
