What is SELinux?

Simplyrunsetenforce1asroot.Onewaytodothisistorunsudosetenforce1.Youcanverifythatitsucceededbyrunningsestatusand ...,SELinuxcanbeenabledinUbuntubyinstallingtheselinuxmeta-package,whichwillmaketheneededchangestothesystem,andinstalltheTresyspolicies...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to change selinux modes permissive to enforce in ubuntu 14.04

Simply run setenforce 1 as root. One way to do this is to run sudo setenforce 1 . You can verify that it succeeded by running sestatus and ...


SELinux can be enabled in Ubuntu by installing the selinux meta-package, which will make the needed changes to the system, and install the Tresys policies ...

Ubuntu 上使能SELinux 原创

此文档说明如何在ubuntu 上启用SELinux,测试环境为虚拟机,开始前一定一定一定先来个快照,不要问我为什么有三个一定。 卸载apparmor(可选). ubuntu 默认 ...

Enable SELinux on Centos7 LXC container with Ubuntu 14.04 host

SELinux will always appear to be disabled in a container, though it is running on the host. For more information, see Introduction to Linux ...

Enable SELinux on boot - ubuntu

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 and I've just installed SELinux via apt-get install -y selinux. I understand that Ubuntu uses AppArmor by default and I understand that ...

Installed SELinux on Ubuntu 14.04 and system is not bootable now

I was able to figure out a work around. I got into grub boot menu and removed two kernel parameters security=selinux selinux=1 from below

How to Disable SELinux on Ubuntu

Step 1: Check the SELinux Status · Step 2: Install SELinux Utilities (If Not Installed) · Step 3: Disable SELinux Temporarily · Step 4: Disable SELinux Permanently.

How to Disable SELinux in Ubuntu ServerDesktop - 牧之丨

If you want to permanently disable SELinux, set SELINUX=disabled and restart the computer. Disable SELinux in Ubuntu Server/Desktop. You need to ...

How do I disable SeLinux in Ubuntu 16? 14?

By default SELinux is not installed in Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04. They use apparmor instead. By default apparmor isn't set to enforce for most ...

第三章、SELinux 初探

SELinux 根據開啟與否,共有三種模式,分別是關閉(Disabled)、寬容模式(Permissive) 與強制模式(Enforcing)。 根據上圖的箭頭,你可以知道disabled, permissive 模式下,其實 ...


Simplyrunsetenforce1asroot.Onewaytodothisistorunsudosetenforce1.Youcanverifythatitsucceededbyrunningsestatusand ...,SELinuxcanbeenabledinUbuntubyinstallingtheselinuxmeta-package,whichwillmaketheneededchangestothesystem,andinstalltheTresyspolicies ...,此文档说明如何在ubuntu上启用SELinux,测试环境为虚拟机,开始前一定一定一定先来个快照,不要问我为什么有三个一定。卸载apparmor(可选).ubuntu默认 .....