
Install MAAS

The first step is to install Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS on the machine that's going to host both the MAAS Rack and Region controllers.

Install MAAS — charm-deployment

This page will cover the installation of MAAS as well as point out what is required out of MAAS in terms of post-installation tasks.

Install OpenStack yourself on Ubuntu.

This tutorial shows how to install OpenStack (based on project Sunbeam) in the simplest way possible. It will deploy an OpenStack 2024.1 (Caracal) cloud.

OpenStack Juju and MAAS - iT 邦幫忙

下載ubuntu for server 的安裝iso 檔 · 將iso 檔轉成開機USB 碟 · 選擇基於MAAS 的安裝方式並開始安裝程序 · 增加多於6 個nodes 的機器到MAAS · 這一步是將Juju charm 工具佈署 ...

Use Sunbeam together with MAAS to deploy machines at scale

Using just three dedicated machines, you will learn how to deploy OpenStack in highly available, multi-node, production-grade clusters.

Deploying Ubuntu OpenStack to ARM64 servers

The following tutorial will walk you through building a simple Ubuntu OpenStack setup, highlighting any ARM-specific caveats along the way.

Multi-node with MAAS - MicroStack

This tutorial shows how to install a multi-node MicroStack cluster using MAAS as machine provider. It will deploy an OpenStack 2024.1 (Caracal) cloud.

裸机云快速部署利器Ubuntu MAAS:单机安装及测试系列教程第一篇

在Ubutnu的Charmed OpenStack, Charmed Kubernetes, 大数据, AI and ML等通过Juju部署及管理的解决方案中,如果涉及物理裸机,则MAAS为必需及基础组成部份。

Ubuntu OpenStack reference implementation

Ubuntu is the reference operating system for the OpenStack project, which is why deploying OpenStack with Ubuntu is the best way to ensure a straightforward ...

How do I use MAAS to prepare to install OpenStack?

MAAS supports several types of power management. To configure power management, you should click on an individual node entry, then click on the ...

