
Download ultradefrag-portable-7.1.4.bin.amd64.zip ...

UltraDefrag is a disk defragmenter for Windows, which supports defragmentation of locked system files by running during the boot process. It is easy to use ...


評分 4.3 (18) · 免費 · Windows UltraDefrag is a disk defragmenter for Windows, which supports defragmentation of locked system files by running during the boot process.

UltraDefrag 12 - Portable Disk Defragmenter

UltraDefrag 12 runs in a special mode when Windows boots to defragment all the locked files. Now you can defragment them all with just a few clicks!

UltraDefrag 7.1.4 免安裝中文版- 磁碟重組自由軟體

免安裝磁碟重組軟體- UltraDefrag,是公司可用的免費自由軟體,其重組的速度相當快速,使用微軟的應用程式介面,支援所有微軟的檔案 ...

UltraDefrag 7.1.4 免安裝中文版- 輕量級硬碟重組軟體

UltraDefrag 是一款功能強大且是開放原始碼的硬碟重組工具。它除了可以針對硬碟機進行重組之外,它還可針對系統檔案做重組,例如:登錄檔、分頁檔…等。

UltraDefrag download

評分 4.5 (111) · 免費 · Windows UltraDefrag is a disk defragmenter for Windows, which supports defragmentation of locked system files by running during the boot process.

UltraDefrag Portable (full

UltraDefrag Portable is an easy to use disk defragmenter and optimizer with lots of great features: FAT, exFAT and NTFS support ...

UltraDefrag Portable

UltraDefrag Portable analyzes and defragments your hard drive, organizing all the files and folders stored in it. Having a compacted, organized drive makes it ...

UltraDefrag Portable 7.1.1 中文可攜版~ 免費好用的磁碟重組軟體

UltraDefrag Portable 是一套免費好用的磁碟重組軟體,有繁體中文介面,而且是開放程式碼的軟體,而這套軟體重組硬碟的速度還蠻快的,而且有持續在維護, ...


UltraDefrag 7.1.4 免安裝中文版– 輕量級硬碟重組軟體 ... 【軟體名稱】:UltraDefrag 【軟體版本】:7.1.4 Portable 免安裝中文版【軟體官網】: ...


UltraDefragisadiskdefragmenterforWindows,whichsupportsdefragmentationoflockedsystemfilesbyrunningduringthebootprocess.Itiseasytouse ...,評分4.3(18)·免費·WindowsUltraDefragisadiskdefragmenterforWindows,whichsupportsdefragmentationoflockedsystemfilesbyrunningduringthebootprocess.,UltraDefrag12runsinaspecialmodewhenWindowsbootstodefragmentallthelockedfiles.Nowyoucandefragmentthemallwithjustafewcl...

IObit Smart Defrag 10.1.0 隨時待命的重組軟體

IObit Smart Defrag 10.1.0 隨時待命的重組軟體


Ultradefrag 7.1.3 免費磁碟重組軟體

Ultradefrag 7.1.3 免費磁碟重組軟體
