How to Unlock the Bootloader | Xiaomi, Redmi, POCO·Submitalltheitemsrequiredfortheappealandwaitfortheresults.·You'llbenotifiedabouttheresultsbyemail ...,Step1.DownloadtheMiUnlockapptoPC,andsigninwithyourMiAccount;Step2.Shutdownyourphonemanually,andholdVolumedownk...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How can I unlock my device by submitting an appeal?

Visit in your web browser. · Submit all the items required for the appeal and wait for the results. · You'll be notified about the results by email ...

Apply for permissions to unlock Mi devices

Step 1. Download the Mi Unlock app to PC, and sign in with your Mi Account; Step 2. Shut down your phone manually, and hold Volume down key and Power button to ...

Apply for unlocking Mi devices - miui-14

Unlock Your Mi Device. After you unlock the device, it will become less secure. Your personal data might be leaked or lost. Unlock Now.

Check Find device status

Enter unlock number or IMEI. How to get an unlock number. Where did you purchase this device? Select. If you can't find the country or region where the device ...

Unlock Xiaomi Phone

2023年8月21日 — 立即使用小米解鎖碼在線解鎖您的小米手機。您的小米手機在我們解鎖後的轉售價值會增加。 我們解鎖小米紅米、小米MI-1s、小米MI-2、小米MI-2a、小米MI-2s、 ...

Unlock Xiaomi Phone

使用我们的 解锁小米手机应用程序,您将能够通过IMEI 码解锁您的小米手机。这种方法快速且安全。 我们通过提供出色的解锁服务让您的小米手机免受网络 ...

How to Unlock Bootloader on Xiaomi [100% Success]

2024年5月6日 — In this article, you'll find a step-by-step guide to unlocking the bootloader on a Xiaomi phone using the Mi Unlock Tool.

Known unofficial unlock xiaomi14 and k70 series bootloader ...

2023年12月16日 — Since Xiaomi made the official unlocking much harder, it has been nearly impossible for users to unlock bootloader by official method.

unblockxiami·Submitalltheitemsrequiredfortheappealandwaitfortheresults.·You'llbenotifiedabouttheresultsbyemail ...,Step1.DownloadtheMiUnlockapptoPC,andsigninwithyourMiAccount;Step2.Shutdownyourphonemanually,andholdVolumedownkeyandPowerbuttonto ...,UnlockYourMiDevice.Afteryouunlockthedevice,itwillbecomelesssecure.Yourpersonaldatamightbeleakedorlost.UnlockNow.,Enterunlocknum...