unchecky 2020
unchecky 2020

unchecky.unchecky.Versions:1.2.Producthomepage:https://unchecky.com/.Change...TueFeb2522:22:29UTC2020.Lastmodifiedby:tim.lebedk...Created:Mon ...,Unchehky'sprimaryfeatureisautomaticuncheckingofunrelatedoffers,suchaspotentiallyunwantedprograms,off...

Unchecky is a lightweight... - Backup4all


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unchecky.unchecky. Versions: 1.2. Product home page: https://unchecky.com/. Change ... Tue Feb 25 22:22:29 UTC 2020. Last modified by: tim.lebedk... Created: Mon ...

Introducing Unchecky

Unchehky's primary feature is automatic unchecking of unrelated offers, such as potentially unwanted programs, offers to change your homepage or your search ...

Unchecky 1.0.1 中文版

2016年8月23日 — 廣告軟體攔截工具- Unchecky,避免安裝軟體時被安裝額外軟體,越來越多的安裝版軟體在安裝過程中會安裝額外軟體,必須在安裝的時候看清楚每一個選項, ...


Unchecky automatically unchecks unrelated offers, both saving you mouse clicks and making it less likely to miss a checkbox of an unwanted offer. Warns.

Unchecky 1.2 Download for Windows 11, 10, 8 (2024)

Unchecky Download is a lightweight utility that prevents unwanted programs from running on your computer.

Unchecky Plugin details

Unchecky is a small and lightweight application that has been designed to keep potentially unwanted programs off your computer by keeping your checkboxes.

Download Unchecky 1.2 for Windows

Unchecky is a small tool that can help you prevent accidental acceptance of third party sponsor offers during software installations.

Unchecky is a lightweight... - Backup4all

2020年10月19日 — Unchecky is a lightweight app designed to keep potentially unwanted programs off your computer by keeping your checkboxes clear during file.

Unchecky 1.0.1 下載網頁: 軟體王2024

軟體名稱: Unchecky; 軟體版本: 1.0.1; 語言介面: 英文; 軟體性質: 免費軟體; 作業系統: Windows(含Win10); 檔案大小: 1.39 MB. 軟體檔案下載規範.

Unchecky 1.0.1 : 軟體王2024

一套易於使用、學習快速、功能強大的視訊編輯器軟體,而且100% 免費且開放原始碼。 OpenShot 影片編輯軟體是免費且開源的影片編輯器,適用於Linux、Mac、Windows 平臺。


unchecky.unchecky.Versions:1.2.Producthomepage:https://unchecky.com/.Change...TueFeb2522:22:29UTC2020.Lastmodifiedby:tim.lebedk...Created:Mon ...,Unchehky'sprimaryfeatureisautomaticuncheckingofunrelatedoffers,suchaspotentiallyunwantedprograms,offerstochangeyourhomepageoryoursearch ...,2016年8月23日—廣告軟體攔截工具-Unchecky,避免安裝軟體時被安裝額外軟體,越來越多的安裝版軟體在安裝過程中會安裝...