
Cleveland Cavaliers' Kyrie Irving bringing Uncle Drew to big screen

Cavs point guard Kyrie Irving, left, hinted that the next chapter of his Uncle Drew commercial series will be on a screen larger than YouTube.

Here's the first trailer for Uncle Drew, the movie with Kyrie Irving

Celtics' point-guard will interpret the older alter ego, brought to success for a series of Pepsi commercials.

Kyrie Irving TV Commercials

Pepsi TV Spot, 'Uncle Drew: Timeless' Featuring Kyrie Irving - 1974 commercial Pepsi TV Spot, 'Uncle Drew: Timeless' Featuring Kyrie Irving · Jeep TV Spot ...

Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew Pepsi Commercial

Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew Pepsi Commercial · Comments85. thumbnail-image. Add a comment..

Pepsi Commercial 2017 Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew All Star Game

Pepsi Commercial 2017 Kyrie Irving Uncle Drew All Star Game. You can watch Pepsi Uncle Drew commercial for Kyrie Irving. Uncle Drew and the ...

Pepsi MAX and Kyrie Irving Present - Uncle Drew

Regardez Pepsi MAX and Kyrie Irving Present - Uncle Drew - Chapter 3 [VO|HD720p] - Team Lyricis sur Dailymotion.

Pepsi, Uncle Drew | Kyrie Irving

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The Genius of Pepsi's Uncle Drew Commercial Campaign

This five-minute advertisement, written and directed by Kyrie Irving, quickly gained internet traction and Pepsi turned the commercial into five film-style ...

Uncle Drew Full Series

Who is here after he made it to the finals? 15:33 · Go to channel · 50 Kyrie Irving Plays that Stopped the Internet. Hicko•953K views.

人氣爆棚!Kyrie Irving 確認「Uncle Drew」系列廣告將拍成電影

由Pepsi 聯手NBA 華麗後衛Kyrie Irving 打造的「Uncle Drew」系列廣告,讓K2 假扮成老年人並前往籃球公園裏「打爆」年輕球手,如此創意自第一部起便引發 ...


CavspointguardKyrieIrving,left,hintedthatthenextchapterofhisUncleDrewcommercialserieswillbeonascreenlargerthanYouTube.,Celtics'point-guardwillinterprettheolderalterego,broughttosuccessforaseriesofPepsicommercials.,PepsiTVSpot,'UncleDrew:Timeless'FeaturingKyrieIrving-1974commercialPepsiTVSpot,'UncleDrew:Timeless'FeaturingKyrieIrving·JeepTVSpot ...,KyrieIrvingUncleDrewPepsiCommercial·Comments85....