
Unfriend Notify for Facebook

This extension sends a notification each time a friend deletes you from Facebook.

Unfriend Notify for Facebook

This extension sends a notification each time a friend deletes you from Facebook. When you install the extension, we save your friendlist SECURELY in our ...

Unfriend Finder For Facebook

評分 3.9 (7,752) · 免費 · Android · 有沒有想過,為什麼你的朋友的數量發生了變化?這個程序會告訴你! 只需安裝此應用程序,當有人unfriends您或您阻止我們會向您發送通知! 這很容易和簡單!

Unfriend Finder For Facebook

評分 3.9 (7,756) · 免費 · Android This app will show you! Just install this application and we'll send you a notification when someone unfriends you or block you! It's easy and simple!

Unfriend Notify for Facebook for Google Chrome

Unfriend Notify for Facebook is a Chrome extension that provides notifications whenever a friend deletes you from Facebook.

Unfriend or remove a friend on Facebook

Unfriend someone's profile# · Go to that profile by typing their profile name into the search bar at the top. · Tap Friends. · Tap Unfriend, then tap Yes.

Profile for Unfriend Notifier

Unfriend Notifier helps you know who has unfriended you in Facebook. You can also track who has deactivated the account or resumed back.

[外掛] Unfriend Notify for Facebook

外掛使用教學 · 1. 請點「這個連結」前往Chrome 應用程式商店下載「解除好友關係為Facebook通知」。 · 2. 請點「新增」安裝該外掛。 · 3. 請在網址列輸入「 ...

Is there a notification when someone is unfriended on Facebook ...

No, there are no notifications sent to either party when someone is unfriended on Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.


ThisextensionsendsanotificationeachtimeafrienddeletesyoufromFacebook.,ThisextensionsendsanotificationeachtimeafrienddeletesyoufromFacebook.Whenyouinstalltheextension,wesaveyourfriendlistSECURELYinour ...,評分3.9(7,752)·免費·Android·有沒有想過,為什麼你的朋友的數量發生了變化?這個程序會告訴你!只需安裝此應用程序,當有人unfriends您或您阻止我們會向您發送通知!這很容易和簡單!,評分3.9(7,756)·免費·...