Powershell script to Uninstall ssh server

2014年6月25日—Tryingtouninstallopensshremotely,hasanyonebeenabletodoso?Itseemstorunbutdoesn'tactuallycomplete.,2020年10月3日—I'maMicrosoftWindowsCertifiedProfessionalandSystemsAdministrator.I'llbehappytohelpyououttoday.RegardingOpenSSHclient ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Anyone successfully uninstall openssh? · Issue #82

2014年6月25日 — Trying to uninstall openssh remotely, has anyone been able to do so? It seems to run but doesn't actually complete.

Can I uninstall the OpenSSH Client program? It looks like ...

2020年10月3日 — I'm a Microsoft Windows Certified Professional and Systems Administrator. I'll be happy to help you out today. Regarding OpenSSH client ...

Disable OpenSSH on Windows Servers

2024年4月8日 — Currently, SSH is the only supported connection method in OneFuse. Trying to uninstall OpenSSH while connected using it is problematic.

How to uninstall OpenSSH

2022年9月3日 — Uninstall OpenSSH for Windows 1. Open Settings, then go to Apps > Apps & Features. 2. Go to Optional Features. 3.

Install Win32 OpenSSH

2022年10月17日 — Uninstall Win32 OpenSSH · Start Windows Powershell as Administrator · Navigate to the OpenSSH directory. cd 'C:-Program Files-OpenSSH' · Run the ...

Installing, testing and uninstalling an OpenSSH

Uninstalling the Win32 OpenSSH service · 1) Launch PowerShell as Administrator: Start, type PowerShell→ Right click on PowerShell → Run as Administrator.

Uninstall OpenSSH

2023年1月2日 — InTune is flagging OpenSSH 3.0 and I need to do a mass uninstall. Does anyone have any tips how I can do this?

Windows10 中启用 openSSH Server 功能

2019年5月8日 — Uninstalling OpenSSH. To uninstall OpenSSH using the Windows Settings, start Settings then go to Apps > Apps and Features > Manage Optional ...


2014年6月25日—Tryingtouninstallopensshremotely,hasanyonebeenabletodoso?Itseemstorunbutdoesn'tactuallycomplete.,2020年10月3日—I'maMicrosoftWindowsCertifiedProfessionalandSystemsAdministrator.I'llbehappytohelpyououttoday.RegardingOpenSSHclient ...,2024年4月8日—Currently,SSHistheonlysupportedconnectionmethodinOneFuse.TryingtouninstallOpenSSHwhileconnectedusingitisproblematic.,,2022年9月3日—Uninst...


