Unsecapp exe Virus Removal



Unsecapp.exe is it harmful?

Unsecapp.exe is a genuine Windows system file, it is a core component of the Windows 10 system, it is not malware and is not harmful to your system.

What Is Unsecapp.exe And Is It Safe?

Unsecapp.exe is an important system process that can't be disabled or removed. Without it, your system wouldn't work correctly.

降低個別進程中接收的安全性- Win32 apps

為了協助使用這項技術,WMI 提供Unsecapp.exe程式,以作為個別進程運作。 您可以使用IUnsecuredApartment 介面的呼叫來裝載Unsecapp.exe。

Unsecapp.exe: What It Is & Should I Remove It?

Unsecapp.exe is a legitimate Windows process that is responsible for running WMI scripts that require administrator privileges.


进程:unsecapp.exe ; 进程分析, MicrosoftWindows服务器和工作站套装相关程序,用于支持其相关兼容。 ; 进程位置, unknown ; 程序用途, unknown ; 作者, Microsoft ; 属于 ...

Unsecapp.exe process

Hello Georgi, Sorry for the delay. This process unsecapp.exe is related to Windows Management Instrumentation. This is a safe process and some ...

unsecapp.exe Windows process - What is it?

評分 3.5 (63) Unsecapp.exe is part of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) subsystem and is required for programs that need to use WMI programming. This file is a ...

What Is Unsecapp.exe & Can I Disable It

The unsecapp.exe process is necessary for the Windows OS . If you disable the service, you will prevent computers from using WMI when they need it, which will greatly impact the performance of the operating system.

Sink to receive asynchronous callbacks for WMI client application ...

the service is called Windows Management Instrumentation, which runs in the unsecapp.exe host (other host exe's usually have the word host in ...

Why does unsecapp.exe appear in my task manager every day now?

Unsecapp is part of the system WMI provider interface structure. It is a Sink (callback validator) to receive asynchronous callbacks for WMI client application.

