
Fuel Surcharge | UPS

If you have a UPS account number, the fuel surcharge will be included on your bill. If you are an occasional UPS customer, a fuel surcharge will be included in ...

Fuel Surcharge

If you have a UPS account number, the fuel surcharge will be included on your weekly bill. If you are an occasional UPS customer and do not receive a weekly ...

Fuel Surcharge | UPS

If you are an occasional UPS customer and do not receive a weekly bill, a Fuel Surcharge will be included in your charges.

Fuel Surcharge | UPS

If you are an occasional UPS customer and do not receive a weekly bill, a fuel surcharge will be included in your charges.

Fuel Surcharge | UPS

If you have a UPS account number, the fuel surcharge will be included on your bill. If you are an occasional UPS customer, a fuel surcharge will be included in ...

Fuel Surcharge | UPS

If you have a UPS account number, the fuel surcharge will be included on your bill. If you are an occasional UPS customer, a fuel surcharge will be included in ...

UPS Fuel Surcharge

If you are an occasional UPS customer and do not receive a weekly bill, a Fuel Surcharge will be included in your charges.

Fuel Surcharge | UPS

If you have a UPS account number, the fuel surcharge will be included on your bill. If you are an occasional UPS customer, a fuel surcharge will be included in ...


IfyouhaveaUPSaccountnumber,thefuelsurchargewillbeincludedonyourbill.IfyouareanoccasionalUPScustomer,afuelsurchargewillbeincludedin ...,IfyouhaveaUPSaccountnumber,thefuelsurchargewillbeincludedonyourweeklybill.IfyouareanoccasionalUPScustomeranddonotreceiveaweekly ...,IfyouareanoccasionalUPScustomeranddonotreceiveaweeklybill,aFuelSurchargewillbeincludedinyourcharges.,IfyouareanoccasionalUPScusto...