
Advanced Uptime Monitor

2024年5月1日 — MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor is an extension that works with the Uptime Robot service that checks your websites sites every 5 minutes, ...

API Documentation

UptimeRobot has an easy-to-use API. Responses are provided as XML, JSON or JSON-P. It lets you get the details of your monitors, logs, create / edit / delete ...

How to Create Uptime Robot API key

2024年5月4日 — I've just sign up for MainWP pro and I'm trying to create an API for uptime robot however, I think uptime robot has changed it's interface ...

Uptime Robot API

Uptime Robot is a tool that keeps Monitors the status of your applications and notifies when it gets down, up through email.

Uptime Robot API Integrations

Build and run workflows using the Uptime Robot API. Use 1000s of source-available triggers and actions across 2,100+ apps. Or write custom code to integrate any ...


To get your API key, go to My Settings on the UptimeRobot website, at the bottom you will find your “Main API Key”. All the data will be fetched from ...


UptimeRobot pipeline library for the Flowpipe cloud scripting engine. Automation and workflows to connect UptimeRobot to the people, systems and data that ...


Start monitoring in 30 seconds. Use advanced SSL, keyword and cron monitoring. Get notified by email, SMS, Slack and more. Get 50 monitors for FREE!


2023年12月5日 — * Description: Perform API requests to Uptime Robot in WordPress. * Author: WP API Libraries.


2024年5月1日—MainWPAdvancedUptimeMonitorisanextensionthatworkswiththeUptimeRobotservicethatchecksyourwebsitessitesevery5minutes, ...,UptimeRobothasaneasy-to-useAPI.ResponsesareprovidedasXML,JSONorJSON-P.Itletsyougetthedetailsofyourmonitors,logs,create/edit/delete ...,2024年5月4日—I'vejustsignupforMainWPproandI'mtryingtocreateanAPIforuptimerobothowever,Ithinkuptimerobothaschangedit'sinterface ....


