

This excellent and outstanding Nano USB Wireless WiFi adapter is just fantastic. So small, yet powerful and able to connect flawlessly and stable to even ...

ASUS - Dual-Band AC1200 USB Network Adapter

2018年9月7日 — It was incredibly easy to set up, and has amazing connection, I hardly lag at all if ever. Overall, extremely impressed with the connectivity ...

Asus Dual-band Wireless AC1200 USB Adapter ...

2013年4月29日 — Specs The USB-AC53 is a selectable dual-band adapter capable of theoretical speeds of up to 867 Mbps at 5GHz and 300 Mbps at the 2.4 band.


2017年4月28日 — The USB-AC53 Nano features USB 2.0 connectivity and on the wireless side 300 Mbps capabilities on the 2.4GHz band and 867 Mbps on the 5GHz band.


2017年5月18日 — 華碩推出AC1200 系列迷你無線網卡「USB-AC53 Nano」,支持雙頻2.4GHz / 5Ghz,802.11ac 最高可達到867Mbps 傳輸率,並支援MU-MIMO 連線技術。

Customer reviews of the ASUS USB

See all LDLC customer reviews and comments on the product ASUS USB-AC53 Nano. Read the 9 reviews certified by our collecting process.

Customer reviews: ASUS USB

The ASUS USB-AC53 AC1200 Nano USB Dual-Band Wireless Adapter has significantly improved my internet connectivity. Its MU-Mimo technology ensures fast and stable ...

Review: ASUS USB

2018年12月3日 — Overall, I have been impressed with the ASUS USB-AC53 Nano USB WiFi Adapter. Its build quality is nice, the size is perfect, connection speed is ...

USB-AC53 Nano

USB-AC53 Nano's all Review, including awards, reviews and video.


ThisexcellentandoutstandingNanoUSBWirelessWiFiadapterisjustfantastic.Sosmall,yetpowerfulandabletoconnectflawlesslyandstabletoeven ...,2018年9月7日—Itwasincrediblyeasytosetup,andhasamazingconnection,Ihardlylagatallifever.Overall,extremelyimpressedwiththeconnectivity ...,2013年4月29日—SpecsTheUSB-AC53isaselectabledual-bandadaptercapableoftheoreticalspeedsofupto867Mbpsat5GHzand300Mbpsatthe2.4band...