A Chrome Extension EveryOne Must Have | Part 3

YoucancheckmythemesonmyGithubwiththesuffix-userstyles.Thesedarkthemesareinconstantdevelopment.Othersnotsomuch...GitHub ...,Atthetopright,clickSettingsSearchsettings.·Ontheleft,clickAppearance.·ChooseDevicedefault,Dark,orLight,.Devicedefault: ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Dark theme for (almost) everything

You can check my themes on my Github with the suffix -userstyles . These dark themes are in constant development. Others not so much... GitHub ...

Dark theme now available on Google Search Desktop

At the top right, click Settings Search settings. · On the left, click Appearance. · Choose Device default, Dark, or Light,. Device default: ...

Dark theme user style for google code

Dark theme user style for google code. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Google Classroom Dark Theme V2 by deltandy

I decided to create my own dark theme for Google Classroom because Dark Reader isn't perfect, and there is no good style that has the following:

Google Dark Theme [DEPRACATED] by blyad

A new free and open-source, community-driven, modern alternative to userstyles.org.

Google dark Themes & Skins

Style google dark with custom google dark themes! Change the background, color, schemes, fonts, and more! Share your own themes for google dark too!

Google Docs Dark Mode

Style Google with the custom theme Google Docs Dark Mode by jondp. Check out more themes and styles at Userstyles.org.

Google Meet dark theme : ruserstyles

I made this Google Meet dark theme with the same color palette as other dark-themed Google services. I was very through with the styling ...


This userCSS is aimed to theme most sites you visit with dark colors similar to the ones used in Quantum Nox theme.

Stylish - Custom themes for any website

With hundreds of thousands of themes, skins & free backgrounds, you can customize any website with your own color scheme in a click.


YoucancheckmythemesonmyGithubwiththesuffix-userstyles.Thesedarkthemesareinconstantdevelopment.Othersnotsomuch...GitHub ...,Atthetopright,clickSettingsSearchsettings.·Ontheleft,clickAppearance.·ChooseDevicedefault,Dark,orLight,.Devicedefault: ...,Darkthemeuserstyleforgooglecode.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,IdecidedtocreatemyowndarkthemeforGoogleClassroombecauseDarkReaderisn'...

Gmail 佈景主體大變身

Gmail 佈景主體大變身
