Range.Clear method (Excel)
Clears the entire object. Syntax. expression.Clear. expression A variable that represents a Range object. Return value. Variant. Example.
Range.ClearContents method (Excel)
Clears formulas and values from the range. Syntax. expression.ClearContents. expression A variable that represents a Range object. Return value.
Range.Delete method (Excel)
Used only with Range objects. Specifies how to shift cells to replace deleted cells. Can be one of the following XlDeleteShiftDirection ...
In case you only want to delete formulas or values, you can insert Ctrl-G, Alt-S to select Goto Special and here select Formulas or Values.
VBA ClearContents Clear Cells
ClearContents is the same as pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. You can also clear the contents of an entire range of cells: Range(b2: ...