

I also have one subscription license of Veeam Backup and Replication Enterprise 5 pack that cost me R3200. Going by the instance calculator I ...

Price Increase query

We do revise prices annually and the exact price increases usually vary depending on the SKU, however we're talking about 5% increase on average ...

[PDF] Veeam.DIR-Price

4th year Payment for Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise licensed by VM 4 Year Subscription A. 76.50. $. 10.00%. 69.37. $. VEEAM PRICE LIST. DIR-TSO-4389. 17 ...


New Year Procurement Fest · 1 additional year of Basic maintenance prepaid for Veeam ONE. $315.59, Get Discount · 2 additional year of Basic maintenance prepaid ...

Veeam + NetApp Global Price List

Veeam + NetApp Global Price List. On: October 5, 2017.

VEEAM 價格冊 2025 Q1

4 additional years of Production (24/7) maintenance prepaid for Veeam Data Platform Advanced Universal Perpetual License. 10 instance pack. 513440. 11, V-ADVVUL ...

Veeam pricing is WILD : rsysadmin

£545 per host for unlimited vms, regardless of cpu cores. Or you can pay £12/vm/month if that makes.more sense. This is a forever license for ...

Pricing For Veeam Cloud & Service Provider (VCSP) Partners

Veeam offers cloud and service providers access to a points-based pricing model called VCSP Rental for their data protection products.

Cisco Partner Summit 2017: The Global Award for ISV ...

Earlier in August, we announced that Veeam will be added to the Cisco Global Price List by the end of the year, enabling one-stop shopping: ...

Veeam Achieves Record $827 Million in Total Bookings for 2017 ...

Veeam has surpassed expectations by achieving $827M in total bookings revenue in 2017, an increase of 36 percent year-over-year.


IalsohaveonesubscriptionlicenseofVeeamBackupandReplicationEnterprise5packthatcostmeR3200.GoingbytheinstancecalculatorI ...,WedorevisepricesannuallyandtheexactpriceincreasesusuallyvarydependingontheSKU,howeverwe'retalkingabout5%increaseonaverage ...,4thyearPaymentforVeeamBackup&ReplicationEnterpriselicensedbyVM4YearSubscriptionA.76.50.$.10.00%.69.37.$.VEEAMPRICELIST.DIR-TSO-4389.17 ...,NewY...