
Boost your workday with Veeam backup

2023年12月21日 — Reclaim your workday with an automated and innovative data protection solution powered by Veeam. Discover how backup can be more intuitive ...

Career Opportunities at Veeam Software

Learn more about what makes us veeamazing, which opportunities you have at Veeam Software and how to successfully apply.

Define Workdays and schedule Backups after this definition

2021年3月1日 — Hi team, we have a customer that successfully migrated from SEP Sesam to Veeam and is amazed by its performance and GUI.

Kasten by Veeam

Kasten by Veeam is tackling Day 2 data management challenges to help enterprises confidently run applications on Kubernetes. Kasten K10, a data management ...

Software Connect Partners

Integrations you can trust. Workday Software Connect Partners deliver seamless integrations that support your business in the cloud.

Veeam為Microsoft 365無限儲存提高靈活性及可靠性

2023年10月12日 — Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 和 Veeam Backup for Microsoft ... AWS和Workday加強合作生成式AI應用強化客戶體驗 2024-07-18; 思科Splunk ...


2024年6月10日 — Veeam企業策略副總裁Dave Russell表示:「Veeam的報告傳達了一個明確 ... AWS和Workday加強合作生成式AI應用強化客戶體驗 2024-07-18; 思科Splunk ...

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Learn more about what makes us veeamazing, which opportunities you have at Veeam Software and how to successfully apply.

What are the various modules of veeam university training?

2023年11月19日 — Workday is a cloud-based software application that is usually created and intended to handle financial management, resource planning, ...


2023年12月21日—ReclaimyourworkdaywithanautomatedandinnovativedataprotectionsolutionpoweredbyVeeam.Discoverhowbackupcanbemoreintuitive ...,Learnmoreaboutwhatmakesusveeamazing,whichopportunitiesyouhaveatVeeamSoftwareandhowtosuccessfullyapply.,2021年3月1日—Hiteam,wehaveacustomerthatsuccessfullymigratedfromSEPSesamtoVeeamandisamazedbyitsperformanceandGUI.,KastenbyVeeamistacklingDay2datamanagementc...