Theproductionfeaturesdiversechallenges:underwatersealifeandfightsequences,andplentyofabove-wateraction.TheproductionVFX ...,Inspiration·ConceptArt·VisualEffects·Art·GameEffect·Power·ConceptDraw·AnimationDesign·GameArt.Follow.UE4|VFX2018,Leo.Perso...。參考影片的文章的如下:


An Explosion of VFX Still to Come in 2018

The production features diverse challenges: underwater sea life and fight sequences, and plenty of above-water action. The production VFX ...

UE4|VFX 2018 , Leo

Inspiration · Concept Art · Visual Effects · Art · Game Effect · Power · Concept Draw · Animation Design · Game Art. Follow. UE4|VFX 2018 , Leo. Personal work ...

VFX 20182019 Reel

VFX 2018/2019 Reel. Here is a reel demonstrating the projects our VFX students worked on throughout the year in 2018/2019.

VFX Titles 2018

VFX Festival Titles 2018. “Title sequences can take themselves quite seriously at times”, says Antar. “I wanted to explore an idea that becomes more fun and ...

What to expect from Visual Effects in 2018

As part of a visual effects roundtable conducted by the VFX Voice, VFX supervisor and Co-producer Volker Engle (Independence Day: ...

《Gran Turismo Sport》贏得2018年VFX

本獎旨在表彰電腦繪圖與視覺效果應用領域的傑出作品。今年有25款作品獲得VFX-JAPAN協會提名,角逐8個類別的獎項,最後由《Gran Turismo Sport》贏得「遊戲 ...


Theproductionfeaturesdiversechallenges:underwatersealifeandfightsequences,andplentyofabove-wateraction.TheproductionVFX ...,Inspiration·ConceptArt·VisualEffects·Art·GameEffect·Power·ConceptDraw·AnimationDesign·GameArt.Follow.UE4|VFX2018,Leo.Personalwork ...,VFX2018/2019Reel.HereisareeldemonstratingtheprojectsourVFXstudentsworkedonthroughouttheyearin2018/2019.,VFXFestivalTitles2018.“Titlesequen...

Aura Beta 3 - 視窗顏色變變變!

Aura Beta 3 - 視窗顏色變變變!
