
How can I delete all lines from cursor position using vi

Press Esc come to command mode press v enter visual mode Shift + g selects everything from current position to EOF DEL delete selected.

How to empty the file content in vi editor - linux

First come out front input mode by pressing ESC key then apply gg to go to first line and then type dG to delete everything.

How can I delete all lines in a file using vi?

In vi do :1,$d to delete all lines. The : introduces a command (and moves the cursor to the bottom). The 1,$ is an indication of which lines the following ...

buffers - How to clear all contents of a file

Is there a simpler way to do this for clearing a file? On a normal text editor I normally would do Cmd-A and then start typing.

How to Delete Multiple Lines in Vi editor

To delete multiple lines, press Esc to leave the insert/editing mode, enter the number of lines you want to delete followed by 'dd' ie ndd.

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor

In this article, we will describe steps on how to delete, remove or clear all text in a file using a Vim editor in different vim modes.

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor?

After entering into command mode, type `:%d` (colon followed by percent sign and d) which instructs Vim/VI to delete all lines of text within ...

How to Delete all Text in a File Using ViVim Editor?

In this article, we will describe steps on how to delete, remove or clear all text in a file using a Vim editor in different vim modes.

Select all in Vim Vi

Vim delete all lines. To clear all the lines of a file: :%d. Go to normal mode - ESC; Enter command mode - : Select All - %; Delete - d. Learn ...

How to delete lines in Vim Vi

Deleting a line in insert mode is the same as deleting any other piece of text: mash the backspace/delete key until that line is gone!


PressEsccometocommandmodepressventervisualmodeShift+gselectseverythingfromcurrentpositiontoEOFDELdeleteselected.,FirstcomeoutfrontinputmodebypressingESCkeythenapplyggtogotofirstlineandthentypedGtodeleteeverything.,Invido:1,$dtodeletealllines.The:introducesacommand(andmovesthecursortothebottom).The1,$isanindicationofwhichlinesthefollowing ...,Isthereasimplerwaytodothisforclearingafile?Onanormal...