
viewerjs examples

Use this online viewerjs playground to view and fork viewerjs example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. Click any example below to run it instantly or find ...


Viewer.js v1.11.7. JavaScript image viewer. Overview. Options. Modal mode. Inline mode. Toggle options. backdrop. button. focus. fullscreen. loading. loop.

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這邊推薦一Javascript函式庫:SheetJS/js-xlsx,來進行讀檔與產製xlsx檔案工作。雖說推薦,但實際上去看SheetJS/js-xlsx的GitHub ...

fengyuanchenviewerjs: JavaScript image viewer.

View an image. const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('image'), { inline: true, viewed() { viewer.zoomTo(1); }, }); README.md · Issues · Pull requests 5 · Discussions

viewerjsREADME.md at main

View an image. const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('image'), { inline: true, viewed() { viewer.zoomTo(1); }, });


js 的viewer.js 可以直接有放大縮小列印等功能 2.使用Pdf.js 搭配官網範例js 將PDF文件渲染成Canvas. 1.viewer.js. 整體資料匣+ 要用的東西. https://ithelp.ithome.com ...

ViewerJS Examples

ViewerJS is a combination of a number of excellent open source tools that are built on HTML and javascript. ViewerJS was funded by NLnet foundation, consider a ...


View an image. const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('image'), { inline: true, viewed() { viewer.zoomTo(1); }, });


UsethisonlineviewerjsplaygroundtoviewandforkviewerjsexampleappsandtemplatesonCodeSandbox.Clickanyexamplebelowtorunitinstantlyorfind ...,Viewer.jsv1.11.7.JavaScriptimageviewer.Overview.Options.Modalmode.Inlinemode.Toggleoptions.backdrop.button.focus.fullscreen.loading.loop.,這邊推薦一Javascript函式庫:SheetJS/js-xlsx,來進行讀檔與產製xlsx檔案工作。雖說推薦,但實際上去看SheetJS/js-xlsx的GitHub ....