Guard Villagers

AmodaddingvillagerNPCsthataredoingpredefinedwork.Bigfeaturesareplanned.Ifyouwanttotalkaboutorhavequestionsaboutusageorcodeofthe ...,Thismodaddsminiaturecities,villagesandstructurestoyourworld.Currently,thereareseveraltypesofstructures:cityUSSR,ci...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Working villages

A mod adding villager NPCs that are doing predefined work. Big features are planned. If you want to talk about or have questions about usage or code of the ...

kogtyv-Towny and Village - Minecraft Mod

This mod adds miniature cities, villages and structures to your world. Currently, there are several types of structures: city USSR, city Old Poland, village ...

Village-up Mod

Village-up Mod · The mod modify some structures of the NPC's villages · Add various houses · Extend size of villages and add a detector to find ...

Minecraft Mods - village

Structure mod that brings an exciting twist to Minecraft by introducing hostile and unfriendly pillages, providing a thrilling contrast to the peaceful villages ...

Easy Villagers - Minecraft Mods

This mod lets you pick up villagers as an item. There are also blocks that substitute every farm that includes villagers.

anyone know a mod that allows me to pick up villagers in 1.12?

There's the literal method of picking them up with Carry On. You may need to add them to the whitelist/remove them from the blacklist though ...

Mod that creates towns : rfeedthebeast

Millenaire (available on 1.12 and most previous versions) is a pretty good village overhaul. It revamps villages completely, replacing villagers ...

Minecraft Mods - Village Up

I went more reviewy and little less jokey this time so let me know which one you prefer Hey You! You too can become one of my folks!

Minecraft 1.5.2 Mod Village up!

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Minecraft Mod Showcase - Village-Up - Mod Review

Hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe! Like my Facebook! Download ...


AmodaddingvillagerNPCsthataredoingpredefinedwork.Bigfeaturesareplanned.Ifyouwanttotalkaboutorhavequestionsaboutusageorcodeofthe ...,Thismodaddsminiaturecities,villagesandstructurestoyourworld.Currently,thereareseveraltypesofstructures:cityUSSR,cityOldPoland,village ...,Village-upMod·ThemodmodifysomestructuresoftheNPC'svillages·Addvarioushouses·Extendsizeofvillagesandaddadetectortofind ...,Stru...