
Deleting Lines in Vim

Want to delete lines in Vim? Well, it is pretty easy as all you have to do is press dd and it will remove the line where your cursor is located.

How to Delete Lines in Vim Vi

Press the Esc key to go to normal mode. · Place the cursor on the line you want to delete. · Type dd and hit Enter to remove the line.

How to Delete Lines in Vim

To delete multiple lines, enter the normal mode and move the cursor to the first line you want to remove. Use one of the following commands ( ... Deleting Lines in Vim · Delete a Range of Lines · Delete From Current Line to...

Delete rows in a range using vim

I've got a large text file (+100k long rows) that I've been using vim to edit, I would like to remove rows in a given range ie do something like delete rows ...

How to delete one or more lines below the current line in Vim?

This will delete all the lines from current +1 till the end ($). To delete the next 2 lines the follow range would work, +1,+2 or shorthand +,+2

How to delete particular lines in vim editor

:d deletes the lines. If it's just one line, or a range of lines, you could do :<num>d or :<start>,<end>d (e.g., :5d for the fifth line, or ...

How to Delete Multiple Lines in vim Editor in Linux

To delete multiple non-consecutive lines in Vim, you can use visual mode. Start by pressing v to enter visual mode, then move the cursor to ...

Delete all lines except a range : rvim

I wanted to use the :global command to delete all lines of a file except the current line and the next. I understand that global works on {patterns} instead of ...

TIL - how to delete blank lines across a range : rvim

From line {range}, to the cursor position, search 'globally' for all instances between a blank line, until the next start of line character, and join those ...

How to delete lines in Vim Vi

The command to delete is d. So, you can move to the beginning of the line, press v, move to the end of the line, and press d. Altogether that ...


WanttodeletelinesinVim?Well,itisprettyeasyasallyouhavetodoispressddanditwillremovethelinewhereyourcursorislocated.,PresstheEsckeytogotonormalmode.·Placethecursoronthelineyouwanttodelete.·TypeddandhitEntertoremovetheline.,Todeletemultiplelines,enterthenormalmodeandmovethecursortothefirstlineyouwanttoremove.Useoneofthefollowingcommands( ...DeletingLinesinVim·DeleteaRangeofLines·DeleteFromCurrent...