

2022年8月4日 — virt-manager · Fix build with setuptools-61 (Peter Alfredsen, Miro Hrončok) · add UI and cli support for qemu-vdagent channel (Jonathon Jongsma) ...




2024年4月29日 — Virt-Manager is a graphical user front end for the Libvirt library which provides virtual machine management services.

Virtual Machine Manager

The virt-manager application is a desktop user interface for managing virtual machines through libvirt. It primarily targets KVM VMs, but also manages Xen and ...

Virtual Manager

Virtual Manager is an online manager game where you take the role of a football (soccer) club manager and have to lead your team to victory.

Virtual MGR

Virtual MGR offers a full suite of customizable RegTech and remote management solutions to promote efficient and compliant workflows through HealthClean, ...

Virtualization Manager

SolarWinds® Virtualization Manager (VMAN) is designed to help optimize the performance of your virtual environment using powerful monitoring and management ...

什麼是Virtual Machine Manager?

2024年6月27日 — VMM 提供網路虛擬化,包括建立和管理虛擬網路和網路閘道的支援。 網路虛擬化可讓多個租用戶擁有隔離的網路和自己的IP位址範圍,以提高隱私權和安全性。


2022年8月4日—virt-manager·Fixbuildwithsetuptools-61(PeterAlfredsen,MiroHrončok)·addUIandclisupportforqemu-vdagentchannel(JonathonJongsma) ...,沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2024年4月29日—Virt-ManagerisagraphicaluserfrontendfortheLibvirtlibrarywhichprovidesvirtualmachinemanagementservices.,Thevirt-managerapplicationisadesktopuserinterfaceformanagingvirtualmachinesthroughlibvirt.ItprimarilytargetsKVMVMs,b...
