
Can't run bluestacks on a virtual machine

BlueStacks is a VM itself and running the program in another VM can be prone to issues and performance problems as you're experiencing.

How To Resolve App-Related Issues Using ABI Setting On ...

This document explains how to resolve app-related issues on BlueStacks 5 by changing the ABI setting to ARM when creating a new instance.

[教學]BlueStacks Error 25000 的解決方案+真相

解決方案有三: 更新顯示卡驅動程式; 安裝舊版本的Bluestacks; 更換顯示卡. 方案一步驟: 1. 先進入 ...

[Question] Can i install Bluestacks inside a virtual machine?

Yes, you can, but you need to enable it first. In VMware you have to enable the option Virtualize Intel VT-X/EPT or AMD-V/RVI (see the processor settings in ...

virtualbox freezing when installing bluestacks

I'm trying to install bluestacks but it gets stuck at 99% and makes it so that I can't use the vm. I'm assuming it's a problem with virtualbox.

Bluestacks Error 25000 Windows 8.1

Error 25000. Bluestacks currently doesn't recognize your graphics card. It is possible your Graphics Drivers may need to be updated. Please update them and try ...

Stumped: bluestacks and virtualbox

Installer precedes fine and then throws up an error about graphics drivers being out of date. Please update the drivers etc. Iv gone ahead ...

Whenever I try to install BlueStacks, there is an error 25000 showing

Whenever I try to install BlueStacks, there is an error 25000 showing that It is possible your Graphic Drivers may need to be updated. Please ...

[請益] 請問是否有辦法將Bluestack裝進VM裡

請問一下,我希望能把Bluestack裝進一個Windows7的Virtual Machine裡, 但是出現Error 25000,查了一下似乎是OpenGL的問題,可是又找不到解決方法。

how to clone bluestacks

Start the VM from full power off, not save-state. Run until you see the problem happen, then shut down the VM from within the VM OS if possible.


BlueStacksisaVMitselfandrunningtheprograminanotherVMcanbepronetoissuesandperformanceproblemsasyou'reexperiencing.,Thisdocumentexplainshowtoresolveapp-relatedissuesonBlueStacks5bychangingtheABIsettingtoARMwhencreatinganewinstance.,解決方案有三:更新顯示卡驅動程式;安裝舊版本的Bluestacks;更換顯示卡.方案一步驟:1.先進入 ...,Yes,youcan,butyouneedtoenableitfirst.InVMwareyouhavetoenabletheoptionVirtual...