How to make Ubuntu look like Windows Vista Part 1



How to install Ubuntu to Windows Vista with or without a usb?

Download the Ubuntu image at Make sure you pick 64-bit or 32-bit depending on your computer capability.

Ubuntu alongside Windows vista [duplicate]

I want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows Vista but all tutorials are too old, anyone knows what I have to do to keep all my files and keep Linux in the 20gb ...

Windows Vista 與Ubuntu(Linux)比較

Windows Vista跟Ubuntu(Linux)為目前最流行兩種作業系統,. 底下影片為在視覺特效方面的特色比較,. 由於畫面視覺特效非常震撼、特殊滑稽又有趣,特蒐錄觀看,誰勝誰出一看 ...

駭客大賽Mac Vista被攻破Ubuntu倖存

在年度的CanSecWest駭客大賽中,MacBook Air於上週四(3/27)首先被攻破,隨後執行Vista作業系統的Fujitsu U810也失守。在為期三天的比賽中,只有Ubuntu平台的Sony VAIO電腦安全 ...

駭客大賽Mac Vista被攻破Ubuntu倖存

在年度的CanSecWest駭客大賽中,MacBook Air於上週四(3/27)首先被攻破,隨後執行Vista作業系統的Fujitsu U810也失守。在為期三天的比賽中,只有Ubuntu平台的Sony VAIO電腦 ...

Replace Vista on Old Computer with Linux Ubuntu

1. DON'T use Ubuntu 14.04, use 18.04 - 14.04 's end of support happens later this month. 18.04 will last until April 2023. 2. Use Rufus on your Vista to build

Ubuntu 7.10 加Windows Vista,超華麗雙重開機(第28頁)

ubuntu 似乎可以執行office 2007,不知道版大可不可以另開一版教學, 把這個安裝的過程從頭到尾地做過一次... 如果,ubuntu可以順利的執行office 2007, 是時候可以跟 win xp, ...

Ubuntu 7.10 加Windows Vista,超華麗雙重開機

到「系統>偏好設定>作業階段」,按「新增」然後在名稱打入「Screenlet Daemon」,指令則是「screenletsd start」,這會讓Screenlet在開機就啟動。

What are the pros and cons of Ubuntu and Vista?

Pros: security, stability, long life, less memory usage and less cpu usage, updates on your schedule, customizable, freedom, privacy.

Ubuntu Linux vs Windows Vista vs Windows 7部份項目大評比

這篇由Tuxradar做的Ubuntu Linux 、Windows Vista、Windows 7的部份項目測試評比還不錯,可以看看這3個作業系統平台在安裝時間、檔案複製速度存取、開關機 ...


DownloadtheUbuntuimageat,IwanttoinstallUbuntualongsideWindowsVistabutalltutorialsaretooold,anyoneknowswhatIhavetodotokeepallmyfilesandkeepLinuxinthe20gb ...,WindowsVista跟Ubuntu(Linux)為目前最流行兩種作業系統,.底下影片為在視覺特效方面的特色比較,.由於畫面視覺特效非常震撼、特殊滑稽又有趣,特蒐...