
How Vivaldi perfectly captured the season of Autumn and ...

The great Baroque composer used music to paint an idyllic country scene and gave us a timeless work of art. The leaves turn golden, the mornings are crisp, ...

The Four Seasons (Vivaldi)

The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives musical expression ...


Version 1 can be played both as a solo quartet and as a concerto with viola orchestra where the solos and tuttis remain faithful to Vivaldi's original. Thus the ...

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, Autumn

Listen to Vivaldi: The Four Seasons, Autumn: Allegro on Spotify. Song · Antonio Vivaldi · 2011.


ThegreatBaroquecomposerusedmusictopaintanidylliccountrysceneandgaveusatimelessworkofart.Theleavesturngolden,themorningsarecrisp, ...,TheFourSeasons(Italian:Lequattrostagioni)isagroupoffourviolinconcertibyItaliancomposerAntonioVivaldi,eachofwhichgivesmusicalexpression ...,Version1canbeplayedbothasasoloquartetandasaconcertowithviolaorchestrawherethesolosandtuttisremainfaithfultoVivaldi'soriginal...