How to use Vovsoft Hide Files



Download Hide Files

Hide Files is a straightforward utility that can conceal files or folders and keep them away from prying eyes. It makes them completely inaccessible.

Free Hide Files (2022)

Hide Files Giveaway. Vovsoft Hide Files is a simple program that can hide files or entire folders, which will keep them away from other computer users.

Hide Files for PC

Secure your confidential files and folders. Vovsoft Hide Files is an easy to use program to protect your sensitive information from being seen or accessed.

How to Hide Files and Folders

Right-click on any file or folder. Right-click context menu Then click Properties, select Hidden attribute. Finally click OK button.

How to Use Hide Files

Vovsoft Hide Files, probably the easiest one of those, can password protect any secret or embarrassing files and hide them quickly.

VovSoft Hide Files 8.1 文件隐藏加密工具绿色激活版

2023年4月6日 — VovSoft Hide Files是一款优秀的文件隐藏工具,可以通过Hide Files在几秒钟内来加密和解密自己的敏感文档、相册、视频、电子邮件以及任何类型的敏感 ...

VOVSOFT Hide Files 8.6

2024年8月13日 — This user-friendly program can hide files, folders, and even USB drives with a password, ensuring that your data remains secure and inaccessible to others.

請問vovsoft的hide files問題

2019年1月17日 — 我用了這個軟體來將某些檔案隱藏起來,結果因為重新安裝win10,忘了先把檔案反隱藏, 結果現在在硬碟J裡面可以看到被隱藏的檔案所佔據的容量空間,但是 ...


2023年8月20日 — VovSoft Hide Files 是一款优秀的文件隐藏工具,可以通过Hide Files在几秒钟内来加密和解密自己的敏感文档、相册、视频、电子邮件以及任何类型的敏感 ...



Windows 11 隱藏私密檔案免 APP 教學

Windows 11 隱藏私密檔案免 APP 教學
