Universal License SDK



Files by WALTR on the App Store

評分 2.5 (24) · 免費 · iOS · Files by WALTR is a free, and effortless file manager for your iPhone and iPad. Transfer files to your iOS device and manage them as if it's a USB drive.

Waltr 2 for Windows

評分 4.9 (1) · 免費 · Windows Download Waltr 2 latest version for Windows free to try. Waltr 2 latest update: July 18, 2017.

Download_Softorino WALTR Crack

Download_Softorino WALTR Crack has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub ... WALTR 2. WALTR PRO license key. WALTR Pro Crack. Softorino Universal ...

I couldn't activate the app due to the license activation error (Windows)

Take the following steps: Try to disable Firewall for a while. Try to disable any antivirus software for a while. If you use a VPN try to disconnect and use ...


Here you will find answers to the most popular WALTR 2 related questions.


Waltr 2 is a very impressive program which really adds value to your iOS device. It supports all the latest files converts subtitles and more.

How can i get the activation key for the license

End users who are not allowed to perform keyless activations must contact their license administrators to obtain a File Installation Key.

Does anyone use Waltr or the other Softorino apps?

I was using Waltr 2 and then on black friday I bought a 1 year license for all their apps for £2.99. I don't care about anything else they offer ...

Waltr 2: Ditch iTunes & Transfer Data To Your iPhone ...

in today's video am gonna show a very helpful app to transfer your videos, music, books & more from your PC or Mac to your iPhone with a ...

iDownloadBlog on X

Here are 5 serials for WALTR for Windows, a @Softorino app for ultra-fast video conversion to iOS-friendly format.


評分2.5(24)·免費·iOS·FilesbyWALTRisafree,andeffortlessfilemanagerforyouriPhoneandiPad.TransferfilestoyouriOSdeviceandmanagethemasifit'saUSBdrive.,評分4.9(1)·免費·WindowsDownloadWaltr2latestversionforWindowsfreetotry.Waltr2latestupdate:July18,2017.,Download_SoftorinoWALTRCrackhasonerepositoryavailable.FollowtheircodeonGitHub...WALTR2.WALTRPROlicensekey.WALTRProCrack.SoftorinoUniversal ...,Taket...