
Is Waltr2 or CopyTrans safe to use I pod

Is Waltr2 or CopyTrans safe to use I pod shuffle syncing? Are these third party safe to use to sync music to my iPod since iTunes no longer exists for this?

Bettercheeper alternatives for WALTR 2

Hi there, anyone knows of better /cheaper alternatives for WALTR 2? I used the 24h demo, not too bad, but quite some issues with the app.


Waltr2 is not working anymore since last Windows update. The App start and crash immediately. I tried to contact the support staff who is ...


Here are a few tips on what you can do if WALTR 2 does not respond. ... A problem has occurred loading this content error when transferring AVI or MKV files.

WALTR PRO сonnection issues

Troubleshooting · Restart both your device and your computer and relaunch the app. · Restart your Wi-Fi router. · (only for Windows PCs): if your gadget is still ...

WALTR 2 won't WALTz with my ipad - Software

I turned off WiFi on my iPhone, and cycled the WiFi on the iPad. WALTR still would not connect. All three devices were connected to the same ...

Waltr not working with my ipad pro. : rios

Recently I purchased the Waltr app that lets you drag and drop files onto your ipad via the app on your mac. So far it worked great on my ipad mini and my ...

Can't delete videos transferred to iPad using Waltr

I can't delete the videos! They are listed in the Videos app. I've tried swiping the individual file, which reveals the red delete button, but pressing it ...

Waltr 2: Ditch iTunes & Transfer Data To Your iPhone ...

... Waltr 2 app you can drag & drop files to your iPhone as if it's an ... (Not available in Amazon) alt. link: https://www.desertcart.ae ...

Waltr 2 problem..... ?????

why does not it work? I've downloaded all the software....


IsWaltr2orCopyTranssafetouseIpodshufflesyncing?ArethesethirdpartysafetousetosyncmusictomyiPodsinceiTunesnolongerexistsforthis?,Hithere,anyoneknowsofbetter/cheaperalternativesforWALTR2?Iusedthe24hdemo,nottoobad,butquitesomeissueswiththeapp.,Waltr2isnotworkinganymoresincelastWindowsupdate.TheAppstartandcrashimmediately.Itriedtocontactthesupportstaffwhois ...,HereareafewtipsonwhatyoucandoifWALTR2...