
Wayback Machine

Archive-It enables you to capture, manage and search collections of digital content without any technical expertise or hosting facilities.Visit Archive-It to ... About the Internet Archive · Internet Archive · The Internet Archive Search

Wayback Machine

The Official Wayback Machine Extension - by the Internet Archive. Welcome to the Official Internet Archive Wayback Machine Browser Extension!

Wayback Machine

As of November 2024, the Wayback Machine has archived more than 916 billion web pages and well over 100 petabytes of data. Internet Archive · Help:Using the Wayback... · Peabody's Improbable History

Wayback Machine

評分 3.3 (538) · 免費 · Android · Share web pages, tweets and other web-based resources with the Save Page Now feature of the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Restoring Web Pages with the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

From small edits to big revisions to complete removal, websites change all the time. Librarians and other archivists have organized ways to ...


網站時光機(英語:Wayback Machine)是全球資訊網的數位檔案館,由位於美國加利福尼亞州舊金山的非營利組織網際網路檔案館建立,亦為該組織最重要的服務之一。


Archive-Itenablesyoutocapture,manageandsearchcollectionsofdigitalcontentwithoutanytechnicalexpertiseorhostingfacilities.VisitArchive-Itto ...AbouttheInternetArchive·InternetArchive·TheInternetArchiveSearch,TheOfficialWaybackMachineExtension-bytheInternetArchive.WelcometotheOfficialInternetArchiveWaybackMachineBrowserExtension!,AsofNovember2024,theWaybackMachinehasarchivedmorethan916billionwebp...