How to read wind and pressure from a weather map



earth :

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.

Live wind map and wind forecast — live wind map and wind forecast: local wind speed, wind direction, wind gusts, and more.

Taiwan Wind Maps

This interactive map provides a visual representation of wind speed and direction over the next 24 hours. Color contours and wind flow particles can be toggled ...


Live wind, rain, radar or temperature maps, more than 50 weather layers, detailed forecast for your place, data from the best weather forecast models with ...

Wind map & weather forecast

Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use ...

Wind Speed Forecast Map

Interactive wind speed map. ICON and GFS models. Shows global forecasted surface winds.

Wind Speed Map

Beaufort Force, Wind Description, m/s. 0級 0, calm, < 0.3. 1級 1, light air, 0.3-1.5. 2級 2, light breeze, 1.6-3.3. 3級 3, gentle breeze, 3.4-5.4.


Wind map with live wind radar & worldwide wind forecast. See live weather reports, wind speed & waves for kite- & windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking. Wind & weather forecast... · Wind, waves, weather & tide... ·


Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use ...


Seecurrentwind,weather,ocean,andpollutionconditions,asforecastbysupercomputers,onaninteractiveanimatedmap.Updatedeverythreehours.,Windy.applivewindmapandwindforecast:localwindspeed,winddirection,windgusts,andmore.,Thisinteractivemapprovidesavisualrepresentationofwindspeedanddirectionoverthenext24hours.Colorcontoursandwindflowparticlescanbetoggled ...,Livewind,rain,radarortemperaturemaps,moreth...