
iOS App to Monitor Web Page for Changes

Tap 'Add Monitor' button in the bottom bar of dashboard screen. It will open visual selector screen. Enter the URL of the website you want to monitor on the ...

iOS Web Push Notifications: Everything You Need to Know

iOS Web push notifications is the most recent way for keeping iOS users engaged and informed without having a mobile app.

iOS 網頁推播通知:概述、設定和最佳化實務

現在,網頁推播通知可用於iPhone/iPad 上運行iOS/iPadOS 16.4 或更高版本的Safari、Edge 和Google Chrome 瀏覽器。 網頁推播通知已證明比其他通知有更高的 ...

iOS、iPadOS 16.4讓網頁應用程式也能推送通知到主畫面

最新的iOS和iPadOS 16.4 beta 1開始支援網頁推送功能,網頁應用程式行為更像原生應用程式,可以推送通知並且顯示計數徽章.

Monitoring web page changes : rmacapps

Try visualping.io. It tracks webpage changes and sends updates. Distill.io is another option with a free plan for up to 25 pages and checks every six hours.

Setting Up Web Push Notifications on iOS and iPadOS

In this guide, we help you set up your website to send notifications to iPhone and iPad users visiting your website.

Web Alert

What is Web Alert? Web Alert allows you to monitor any website for changes (even when a login, a form post or password prompt is necessary to access them).

Web Alert Alternatives for iPhone

Web Alert is not available for iPhone but there are some alternatives with similar functionality. The best iPhone alternative is Feedly, ...

Web Alert • Websites monitor 17+

Web Alert notifies you whenever updates you are interested in occur on any website. Navigate to your site, choose which part of the page you ...

Web Alert • Websites monitor 17+

評分 3.4 (16) · 免費 · 公用程式/工具 Web Alert notifies you whenever updates you are interested in occur on any website. Navigate to your site, choose which part of the page you want to monitor.


Tap'AddMonitor'buttoninthebottombarofdashboardscreen.Itwillopenvisualselectorscreen.EntertheURLofthewebsiteyouwanttomonitoronthe ...,iOSWebpushnotificationsisthemostrecentwayforkeepingiOSusersengagedandinformedwithouthavingamobileapp.,現在,網頁推播通知可用於iPhone/iPad上運行iOS/iPadOS16.4或更高版本的Safari、Edge和GoogleChrome瀏覽器。網頁推播通知已證明比其他通知有更高的 ...,最新的iOS和iPadOS16...