
Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts ... Defining Web pages, Web... · Home - The Wayback Machine · Internet Archive l

操控瀏覽器歷史紀錄- Web APIs

DOM window 物件透過history 物件,提供了進入瀏覽歷史的方式。他透過一些方便的屬性與方法,讓你可以在歷史紀錄中往上一步或往下一步移動, ...

History - Web APIs

History 介面允許操控瀏覽器的session history 紀錄,為當前面頁所在分頁中訪問、或於當前面頁中透過頁面框架(frame)所載入的頁面。

Welcome to My Activity

Welcome to My Activity. Data helps make Google services more useful for you. Sign in to review and manage your activity, including things you've searched ...

Check or delete your Chrome browsing history

Websites you've visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history, and find related searches in Chrome.

Check or delete your Chrome browsing history

Websites that you've visited are recorded in your browsing history. You can check or delete your browsing history and find related searches in Chrome.


書名:Web History,語言:英文,ISBN:9781433104688,頁數:362,作者:Brugger, Niels (EDT),出版日期:2010/03/04,類別:人文社科.


網站時光機(英語:Wayback Machine)是全球資訊網的數位檔案館,由位於美國加利福尼亞州舊金山的非營利組織網際網路檔案館建立,亦為該組織最重要的服務之一。


TheWaybackMachineisaninitiativeoftheInternetArchive,a501(c)(3)non-profit,buildingadigitallibraryofInternetsitesandotherculturalartifacts ...DefiningWebpages,Web...·Home-TheWaybackMachine·InternetArchivel,DOMwindow物件透過history物件,提供了進入瀏覽歷史的方式。他透過一些方便的屬性與方法,讓你可以在歷史紀錄中往上一步或往下一步移動, ...,History介面允許操控瀏覽器的sessionhistory紀錄,為當前面頁所...