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WEBMASTER | English meaning

someone whose job is to manage a website. Please address any technical questions to the webmaster.



Dictionary - Merriam-Webster

評分 3.9 (532,815) · 免費 · Android · Get America's most useful and respected dictionary, optimized for your Android device. Continuously updated with the newest words and ...

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

書名:The Merriam-Webster Dictionary,語言:英文,ISBN:9780877790952,頁數:960,作者:Merriam-Webster,出版日期:2022/10/25,類別:人文社科.

Webmaster Definition & Meaning

WEBMASTER meaning: a person whose job is to create and maintain a Web site.

WEBMASTER definition and meaning

A webmaster is someone who is in charge of a website, especially someone who does that as their job. American English: webmaster /ˈwɛbmæstər/; Arabic: ...

WEBMASTER Definition & Meaning

6 天前 · a person who designs or maintains a website. webmaster. / ˈwɛbˌmɑːstə /. noun. a person responsible for the administration of a website on the ...


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WEBMASTER Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of WEBMASTER is a person responsible for the creation or maintenance of a website especially for a company or organization.

Webmaster - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

Someone who's in charge of updating and maintaining an online site or page is a webmaster. If you want to submit a photo of your dog to ...


someonewhosejobistomanageawebsite.Pleaseaddressanytechnicalquestionstothewebmaster.,英文線上字辭典,並包含索引典、百科全書等查詢功能,另有拼字遊戲、每日一字等。,評分3.9(532,815)·免費·Android·GetAmerica'smostusefulandrespecteddictionary,optimizedforyourAndroiddevice.Continuouslyupdatedwiththenewestwordsand ...,書名:TheMerriam-WebsterDictionary,語言:英文,ISBN:9780877790952,頁數:960,作者...