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SharingAPIs​​Notethatnoviolationsareallowed,suchasincentivizedsharing.Foranyincentivizedsharingbehavior,APIpermissionsfortheOfficialAccount ...,WeixinSharingandFavoritesallowthird-partyappstoenableuserstoshareanytext,image,music,video,webpage,and...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Weixin Web Development JS

Sharing APIs​​ Note that no violations are allowed, such as incentivized sharing. For any incentivized sharing behavior, API permissions for the Official Account ...

Sharing and Favorites Development Manual for Android

Weixin Sharing and Favorites allow third-party apps to enable users to share any text, image, music, video, webpage, and Mini Program in Weixin friend chats ...

Social share widget supporting: wechat, weibo, linkedin ...

Social share widget supporting: wechat, weibo, linkedin, github, google+, rss, twitter, facebook and more. Live Demo: http://harttle.com/social-share/.

Is there any method for wechat like whatsapp sharing without using ...

Perhaps somewhere in the API you can create a share button on a website that opens the Android or iOS apps, but I don't think any WeChat access is possible ...

WeChat Share Button: How to Add to Your Website

The WeChat Share Button is one of the most used instant messaging buttons around the web today. Connect your site directly to WeChat.

Implement WeChat social share button

I'm trying to find a way to implement Social Share button to share via WeChat (the same as we can do for the Twitter, Facebook, etc).

WeChat share button - javascript

I am trying to find out if it is possible to create a share button on a website that shares to WeChat. So just as you would with Twitter or Facebook to share a ...

WeChat Share Button and Icons for Websites

Make it easy for your website visitors to share your content with the WeChat Share Button widget for your website. World Class Support included.

WeChat Share Button | WeShare - E

WeShare: Advanced sharing buttons that boost your website and unlock new revenue streams.

分享| uni

同时注意,分享为小程序也使用本API。即在App里可以通过本API把一个内容以小程序(通常为内容页)方式直接分享给微信好友。 平台差异 ...


SharingAPIs​​Notethatnoviolationsareallowed,suchasincentivizedsharing.Foranyincentivizedsharingbehavior,APIpermissionsfortheOfficialAccount ...,WeixinSharingandFavoritesallowthird-partyappstoenableuserstoshareanytext,image,music,video,webpage,andMiniPrograminWeixinfriendchats ...,Socialsharewidgetsupporting:wechat,weibo,linkedin,github,google+,rss,twitter,facebookandmore.LiveDemo:http://harttl...