How to install Whatfont Chrome Extension

2013年7月16日—TheissueisnotwithWhatFont.TheissueisthatChromeextensions(i.e.WhatFont)arenotallowedtoruninpagesloadedviathefile:/// ...,2020年7月3日—TheApplicationisbuildbymavenandadependencytotheFontExtensionisincludedaslocalproject.Thejarisaddedt...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can't view font in very simple pages · Issue #6

2013年7月16日 — The issue is not with WhatFont. The issue is that Chrome extensions (i.e. WhatFont) are not allowed to run in pages loaded via the file:/// ...

Font Extension not working in Wildfly project

2020年7月3日 — The Application is build by maven and a dependency to the Font Extension is included as local project. The jar is added to WEB-INF-directory ...

Font not working in Google Chrome extension

2015年4月25日 — 1 Answer 1 ... Here is a much detailed answer on Packaging a font with a Google Chrome extension. ... Hey. You're right. The URL was incorrect. But, ...

Fonts not working in chrome extension

2015年9月27日 — Fonts not working in chrome extension · 1. try adding format(truetype) after the font-face url. – wOxxOm. Sep 27, 2015 at 2:30 · okay but what ...

How to Find the Font on a Website with WhatFont

2023年9月27日 — If WhatFont isn't working for you, try Fontanello, which works for Chrome, and Firefox. To use Fontanello, highlight the text, right-click it, ...

Plugin Custom Font is not working on some devices.

Custom font is not working on some devices. I checked on my PC using Chrome and I can see the custom font but from a laptop it is not displayed.

Problem with font extension in PDF

2016年4月1日 — I need to style some text in a PDF export Arial bold, italic or bold italic. I've created extensions for all three, using the corresponding ...


The easiest way to identify fonts on web pages. Say goodbye to the complexity of developer tools for identifying fonts. With WhatFont, discovering the fonts ...

WhatFont extension not working

2023年6月1日 — Try to click on the WhatFont extension icon in the toolbar. Expected behavior: After clicking on the toolbar icon, the extension should activate ...


2013年7月16日—TheissueisnotwithWhatFont.TheissueisthatChromeextensions(i.e.WhatFont)arenotallowedtoruninpagesloadedviathefile:/// ...,2020年7月3日—TheApplicationisbuildbymavenandadependencytotheFontExtensionisincludedaslocalproject.ThejarisaddedtoWEB-INF-directory ...,2015年4月25日—1Answer1...HereisamuchdetailedansweronPackagingafontwithaGoogleChromeextension....Hey.You'reright.TheURLwasincorr...
