Where is the Green Sheep?
Where is the Green Sheep? is a children's picture book by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek . Published by Penguin Books, it depicts various coloured sheep in various activities, with the protagonist, the green sheep, not being seen until the final pages.
Where is the Green Sheep?
Once there was a green sheep who lived all alone in a huge green field. One day a goat passed by. The goat stared at the sheep and the sheep stared at the goat.
Where Is the Green Sheep? Board Book
供應中 評分 4.7 (2,457) Complete with sleepy rhymes and bright illustrations, this book is sure to delight children of all ages, from the very young to those just beginning to read.
Where Is the Green Sheep?
已售完 書名:Where Is the Green Sheep?,語言:英文,ISBN:9780152067045,頁數:32,作者:Fox, Mem/ Horacek, Judy (ILT),出版日期:2009/03/01,類別:童書(0-12歲)
經典英文繪本Where is the Green Sheep
經典英文繪本Where is the Green Sheep. 1K views · 1 year ago #沙拉妈妈 ...more. Choices for families. Explore simpler, safer experiences for ...