
Mark Friedberg and the Architecture of The Ice Storm

The look of the dazzlingly evocative The Ice Storm is in large part the work of production designer extraordinaire Mark Friedberg (Far from Heaven, The Life ...

The Ice Storm

An ensemble drama about a group of people in Connecticut in the 1970s who interact with one another. There's everyone from teens to middle aged couples in ...

The Ice Storm (1997)

Release date · November 26, 1997 (United States) ; Also known as. La tormenta de hielo ; Filming locations · New Canaan, Connecticut, USA(houses belonging to Ben ...

The Ice Storm (1997)

Metro-North Railroad station - 198 Elm Street at Park Avenue, New Canaan, Connecticut, USA. (Multiple scenes: Ben takes the train to work & Paul is picked ...

The Ice Storm (film)

Filming. Principal photography primarily took place in New Canaan and Westchester, New York, and began in April 1996. The ice storm scenes were filmed using a ...

The Ice Storm (film)

Filming. Principal photography primarily took place in New Canaan and Westchester, New York, and began in April 1996. The ice storm scenes were filmed using a second-unit team prior to the main shoot.

The Ice Storm

Set in suburban Connecticut in 1973, this acclaimed adaptation of Rick Moody's novel tells the story of middle class families who experiment with casual sex and ...

Way Back When ... 1997

2017年2月3日 — The film (and Rick Moody's novel of the same name, upon which it's based) takes place in New Canaan; a mostly glass house situated on Laurel ...


ThelookofthedazzlinglyevocativeTheIceStormisinlargeparttheworkofproductiondesignerextraordinaireMarkFriedberg(FarfromHeaven,TheLife ...,AnensembledramaaboutagroupofpeopleinConnecticutinthe1970swhointeractwithoneanother.There'severyonefromteenstomiddleagedcouplesin ...,Releasedate·November26,1997(UnitedStates);Alsoknownas.Latormentadehielo;Filminglocations·NewCanaan,Connecticut,USA(housesbelong...
